“Estate workers to receive a daily wage of Rs.1000/= to be finalized within 1 week”
According to the proposals of 2021 Budget, the final decision to be taken of estate workers to receive a daily wage of Rs.1000/= has been postponed for another week said Considering the discussions held with the representatives of Trade Union Leaders and Planter’s Association, regarding the increment of the daily wage, it was decided to concern the facts given by both parties, in prior making the final decision.
Though the estate workers and the trade union leaders stated that the minimum daily wage should increased to Rs.1000/=, the Planter’s Association was demanding that the workers then should supply an extra 2KG of leaves daily. Further they said that when concerning the Gratuity of the workers, that they are not provided a satisfied service accordingly, and as a result, Planter’s Association suggested that the number of days a labourer works should be 180 mandatory days per year. I accepted these suggestions from Association making it 1KG of extra leaves daily and with 180 mandatory days per year of service.
Anyhow, my decision is to proceed the Government’s proposal of increasing the daily wage of estate workers to Rs.1000/= and to take over any company to the government that fails to pay Rs.1000/=. Moreover, I declared that the government has made preparations to maintain these estate either under the government supervision or any other management.
Minister J.Thonderman, MP Vadivel Suresh, Director General of Planter’s Association- Mr.Kanishka Weerasinghe, Minister Secretary -Mr. Mapa Pathirana, the Labour Commissioner General Attorney- Mr. Prabhath Chandrakeerthi were present in this occasion including Trade Union Leaders, Chief Executive Officers and private Secretary lawyer- Akila Gayan Kaushalya.