
The Administration and Establishment division consists of three units, Administration, establishment and media.
The Administration unit is entrusted with the heavy responsibility on subjects such as administration, procurement Management, general maintenance, training and development of the ministry and Institutions functioning under the Ministry. The establishment unit takes action on human resource management of the ministry and the office of the Hon. Minister of Labour and Foreign Employment. And this unit is in charge of matters pertaining to parliamentary questions, public petitions committee, consultative committee, human rights commission and also different type of letters sent by the public on different requests. Media unit of the ministry is in charge making the public and media organization aware of important activities performed by the ministry and Institutions under the ministry, at different occasions.

Contact Information,
Mr. P D Chandana Pathirage
Senior Assistant Secretary (Administration)
Tel : + 94 011-2582447
Fax : + 94 011-2368609
Email: sas.admin@labourmin.gov.lk.

The main function of this Division is as follows.

  • Participation co-ordination and providing facilities in the formulations of Labour policies.
  • Functioning as the focal centre in discharging the obligations and responsibilities of Sri Lanka in foreign Relations, especially as a Member country of the International Labour Organization.
  • Attending to all matters regarding the participation of suitable officers for Seminars, Workshops and Training Programmes/ Courses held abroad pertaining to the subject of Labour and Man Power.
    Accordingly, this Division has performed a productive function in the following areas:
  • Drafting new laws and marking institutional changes,
  • Strengthening the Labour Administration,
  • Transactions with the International Labour Organization and other Foreign Organization, and
  • Providing foreign training to officers of the Establishments under the Ministry.

Contact Information,
Mr. B Vasanthan
Senior Assistant Secretary (Foreign Relations)
Tel : + 94 011-2368609
Fax : + 94 011-2368609
Email: sas.fr@labourmin.gov.lk

The main function of the Planning, Research and Development Division are as follows:

  • Making necessary steps in implementing national policies which should be implemented by the Ministry of Labour and Foreign Employment and Institutions under the purview of the Ministry regarding creating decent work environment.
  • Preparation of the Annual Action Plan of the Ministry and affiliated Institutions.
  • Monitoring & reviewing the progress of the Ministry & Establishments under the Ministry and assisting in Policy formulation in that respect.
    Preparation of the Progress Report depicting the progress of the Ministry & Institutions under the purview of the Ministry to be submitted to the Committee Stage of the Budget Debate in three Languages and Submitting to the Parliament.
  • Publication of the Annual Performance Report of the Ministry describing annual performance of the Ministry & affiliated establishments describing annual performance in 3 languages.
  • Preparation and Publishing the Sri Lanka Labour Gazette, publishing quarterly pertaining to the field of labour commenced in the year 1950.
  • Organizing a research symposium on the field of labour annually and compiling research information as a journal.
  • Inviting project proposals from the Divisions of the Ministry & affiliated Institutions, processing & submitting to the Department of National Planning.
  • Preparation of annual Capital estimates for the development projects.
  • Operating and reviewing the progress of the projects implemented under the Decent Work Programme.
  • Coordinating mobile service/special programmes conducted by the Ministry and other Ministries/Institutions at the national level.

Contact Information,
Ms. Rasika Perera
Deputy Director (Planning)
Tel / Fax : +94 11-2369422
E-mail: prdlabour@yahoo.com

The main function of the Finance Division is to spend, according to the Financial Regulations of the Government, the financial provision allocated to the Ministry through the Government Budget under recurrent and capital expenditure, maintaining accounts and submitting such statements of accounts to the General Treasury.

Payment of salaries to the staff of the Ministry and the Establishments affiliated to it is another main function of the Finance Division.

Contact Information,
Ms. J A D S Nishamini,
Chief Accountant
Tel / Fax : +94 11 2505161
E-mail: ca@labourmin.gov.lk