National Labour Advisory Council

National Labour Advisory Council (NLAC) is the national tripartite consultative mechanism established in 1994 to provide for consultations and cooperation between the government and the organization of workers and employers at the national level on matters relating to social and labour policies and international labour standards following the ratification of Tripartite Consultation Convention. Minister assigned to the labour portfolio is the chairman of the council. NLAC has been successfully functioning since its inception and helped to maintain industrial peace in the country. The viewpoint of the NLAC in labour policies is highly valued in many forums and due consideration is given in policy-making practice.

The objectives of the NLAC shall be;

  • To promote social dialogue between the government and the organizations of workers and employers on social and labour issues.
  • To provide a forum for the government to seek the views, advice and assistance of organizations of workers and employers on matters relating to social and labour policies, labour legislation and matters concerning the ratification, application and implementation of international labour standards.
  • To promote mutual understanding and good relations and foster closer co-operation between the government and organizations of workers and employers with a view to developing the economy, improving conditions of work and raising standards of living.

Functions of the NLAC shall be;

  • Consultation and co-operation between the government and organizations of workers and employers on such matters such as;
    • Establishment and functioning of national bodies
    • Formulation and implementation of laws and regulations affecting the interests of workers and employers
  • Consideration of matters  concerning replies to the International Labour Organization on ratification and implementation of labour standards


  • The Hon. Minister of Labour and Foreign Employment act as the chairman of the NLAC
  • The minister appoints a suitable officer in the ministry as the Secretary to the NLAC
  • The organizations and institutions represented in the NLAC will be selected by the Hon. Minister from among “most representative” organizations of employers and workers in the different sectors of the economy

How the NLAC works

  • The term of the NLAC is a one year
  • Meetings of the NLAC convene regularly and frequently as may be determined by the minister, at least once a month
  • There may be appointed tripartite Industrial Committees and Ad hoc Committees to discuss special issues for study and report to the NLAC, with expert assistance whenever necessary.

Members of the National Labour Advisory Council

Contact Information,
Mr. B Vasanthan
Senior Assistant Secretary (Foreign Relations)
Tel : +94-11-2368609
Fax : +94-11-2368609